Things are great here in Laramie!. The teaching has been great so far! We mostly teach less actives, so I haven't really taught a lot of actual lessons from PMG yet. That's been a little discouraging, but it's also motivating us to get out and find more investigators to teach! We go tracting almost every day, and I like it.(: We found a new investigator that way. Her name is Larissa! And she's a young mother who is from Salt Lake and has a lot of Mormon friends. We are going to teach her for the first time this week, so I'm excited! Jennie is a less active and she's a tough one, she gets all caught up in government conspiracy theories and everything, but we try and get her to focus on Jesus Christ during our visits with her. We see her once a week! And yes, we volunteer at the soup kitchen every day for an hour(: That and helping at the care center for the old people are some ways that we can fulfill our service hours each week. I love it!
So for the 4th of July, there was a festival thing at the park (sort of like at Inkom, but a lot bigger!) and so we missionaries set up a booth and handed our otter pops and pass along cards. We got to talk to a lot of people about the church! It was awesome! The people here are really friendly and courteous, even if they aren't interested in the gospel. That night, we couldn't see the fireworks from our apartment, so Sister Martin and I roasted s'mores to celebrate haha. It was fun(:
I'm still adjusting to missionary life, and am still missing the mtc a lot! In Elder Bednar's talk at the mtc titled The Character of Christ, he says "Your mission is not about you! Get over yourself!" That hit me hard again this week! It's not about me, it's about others who need the gospel, which means everyone I come in contact with. I need to stop turning inward like the natural man does, and start turning outward like the Savior does. I'll send you that talk, it's a great one.(:
Thanks for all you do for me! I hope you all have a wonderful week! I love you so much!
Love, Sister Thomas
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